Our Parish leads and supports all members on their journey of faith.
To be a welcoming community.
To share a sense of belonging and support.
To celebrate our liturgy.
To nurture spiritual growth. To be open to change.
To promote social justice.
The overall theme of the window is Rising from Darkness to the light.
It is represented by two fish swimming in water and the symbolic use of the True Vine and the Grain of Wheat. The Vine symbolises our union with Jesus and our dependence on Him. The Grain of Wheat sown in the ground grows from the darkness within earth towards the light – from darkness to light.
Surrounding the central theme and evenly spaced around each panel in the window one drawings from each grade in the primary school reflecting the life of the Parish and School.
The Parish Emblem is the CHI-RHO symbol and it appears in the fourouter corners and enfolds the imagery in the centre of the window.
The X represents the Greek letter “Chi” and the P represents the letters “Rho”. In the Parish emblem the X and P come together to rise from water and symbolise Christ's Resurrection.
4 May 2003
(Parish Emblem)
Thank You to all who have strive to continue their financial support for the Parish and Presbytery Accounts. It's been a great response.
The parish has resumed with passing the Collection Plates.
You may wish to continue to contribute directly into our bank accounts:
First (Presbytery) Collection:
This collection is used to support our Parish Priest, Fr Ralph
Account Name:
Holy Saviour Parish Presbytery Account
BSB: 083 347
Account No.: 666563934
Second (Thanksgiving) Collection:
This collection is used to pay for the running of and the upkeep of our Parish
Account Name:
Holy Saviour Parish Church Account
BSB: 083 347
Account No.: 665565508
God of all creation, may your Spirit inspire us to do your will.
Bless us in your service, strengthen us in our support of each other.
Unite us as we grow in faith and love, to be a welcoming, caring community,
enabling all to flourish, especially our children and the most vulnerable.
This we pray in the name of our Holy Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Saturday - 6.00pm
Sunday - 10.00am
Wednesday 9.15am
Friday 9.15am
Daily Masses are live streamed from St Patrick’s Cathedral and available daily on
Archdiocesan YouTube Channel
On Sundays, the 11.00am Mass is also available to view on free to air TV via C31 (channel 44 on digital TV).
Holy Saviour Parish Family Picnic
16 February 2025
Due to the weather this Sunday is not looking good for a picnic.
The PPC have decided to postpone to a future date (yet to be determined).
Instead we invite everyone to stay after the 10.00am Family Mass for Cakes,
Sandwiches and Chips which will be provided by the PPC.
A second training workshop for the above is scheduled for:
Wednesday 17 July, 7:30pm
in Holy Saviour Church Hall.
To enable setup for this session, please advise the Parish Office of your attendance no later than
Friday 12 July.
The Safeguarding Essentials workshop is part one of a two-step process to be completed by ALL
Both steps need to be completed by 31 July 2024.
The steps are:
1) Attendance at a workshop – in person, or online (the quickest way)
2) Signing the Code of Conduct Declaration
If you prefer to do the workshop online the details are:
You will need your Working with Children Check ID or VIT (#on your WWCC/VIT card), and an email
Code of Conduct Declaration is available on the Parish website:
Read the document, complete the Declaration and return a signed copy to the parish office.
Attendees from the first workshop need not attend the second but need to return a signed Code of
Conduct Declaration (step 2) to the Parish office by 31 July 2024.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL WINTER APPEAL The Holy Saviour St Vincent de Paul Conference will be conducting its Winter Appeal on 22/23 June and we need your help. The Conference is looking for financial and material assistance. There will be a special collection at each Mass and donations can be cheque, credit card or cash. Receipts for financial donations will be available. Material help in the form of non perishable food items, with long use by / best before dates, would also be of considerable assistance. You can make a difference to people living in desperate need.
SAFEGUARDING ESSENTIALS TRAINING WORKSHOP Brech Burgess, Archdiocese Safeguarding Officer, Eastern Region, will present a training workshop for both Holy Saviour and St Christopher’s parishioners. This topic is essential for all volunteers. Brech will outline accessing the online programme and its role in the Safeguarding process. The workshop will run for approximately one hour. WHEN: Wednesday 12 June, TIME: 7:30pm WHERE: Holy Saviour Hall To enable setup for the session could you please advise a Parish Office of your attendance no later than Friday 7 June
CATHOLICCARE VICTORIA SUNDAY APPEAL 4/5 MAY 2024 Next weekend is the CatholicCare Victoria Sunday Appeal (previously held during the month of August). As the Catholic Church’s mission in action, CatholicCare Victoria delivers programs and services to support families, children, young people and individuals to help everyone reach their full potential. The services include counselling and mental health services, specialised support for children and teens, refugee and asylum seeker help, pastoral care, support for separating families, social housing and homelessness support. Donations from our parish community help CatholicCare Victoria support the most vulnerable individuals and families in our community and empower everyone to live life to the full. Please donate to the CatholicCare Victoria Sunday Appeal. Your support and generosity will help provide caring and compassionate support for struggling individuals and families in our community. You can donate using the appeal envelope available in our parish, donate online at www.catholiccarevic.org.au or call (03) 9287 5513.
BINGO!! APRIL 21ST Join us for some fun, family-friendly and free Bingo after mass on Sunday, 21st April. Food and drink provided. All are welcome. For catering purposes, please let us know you’re coming. Email: [email protected]